Saturday, November 03, 2007

Gone already!

RRS James Cook

It’s only been 12 days and Dan has gone again!

I should be toughened up to it by now (being married to a sailor for 7 years) but for some reason it’s seems to be getting harder each time. For the last two days I have been a mix of emotions;

Excitement - for Dan as this ship looks and sounds fantastic,
Emptiness - from the sudden disappearance of his presence,
Jealousy - as he is going on another adventure and I am left behind again,
Relief – that we can still communicate, since the ship has a permanent internet connection,
Worry – about how I will cope for three months without him and that his Visa will go through smoothly.
Disappointment – that we are going to miss another Christmas and New Year Celebration with Dan

I have begun to get good at covering the more depressing emotions up by humour, so hopefully you will see more cheerful blogs being posted for a few months – And I’ll try and be nicer to cats from now too!


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