Friday, November 02, 2007

Cat Problem Solved!

When we left the Falklands we had to leave our cat (Chelsea) behind. Mainly because transporting her would be very expensive, she is 8 years old and not a good traveller, even on short trips, so a 6,000 mile trip would probably kill her! I contemplated other ways of bringing her with us, but all were scrapped since they contained skinning and stuffing her. So she is now residing at horseshoe bay farm and from the last post card (incredibly clever cat) she is having a fantastic retirement.

Not long after arriving in the UK we also visited the RSPCA shelter and signed up for adopting a new cat or even a dog (It takes 3 months to be accepted and we have to find a larger house first anyway). And then the RSPCA lady that visited the other night (see previous blog) my mind has always been occupied with animals and our old girl down south.

Coincidently I was sent this the other day from a friend with a comment on one of my ideas for solving this cat problem.

BBC News Headlines - Saturday, 13 October 2007, 11:14 GMT 12:14 UK
Homes needed for cats and kittens

An appeal has been launched to find homes for more than 100 unwanted and abandoned cats and kittens in Bradford

Basically there is one idea that could not only solve the excess cat problem but could be a good little money earner for the RSPCA – SLIPPERS!

It’s a great idea when you think about it – No starving, abandoned animals…novelty slippers and extremely warm feet! Even making them wouldn’t be a chore you leave the head on and could even turn the tail into a strap that goes around the ankle. Not that I’ve given it much thought...
“The white twins don’t talk to me much now” Pickles commented at a recent interview.


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