Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Oreo Milkshake and Toothache!

It’s early evening and I’m sitting in front of the television for the first time since broadband was installed. Broadband has been fantastic so far and I’m actually looking forward to my phone bill this month rather than regretting every second I spent online. The only problem with a permanent connection is I’m not getting to bed before midnight!! Which reminds me…I must look up on the internet how much sleep the average person needs?

The main reason for not sitting at the computer tonight was Cable & Wireless (The local telephone company) have cut off the internet for maintenance. So I decided to make myself an Oreo Milkshake,* take a break and be a coach potato for the night. Not the healthiest life I lead, but you need a bit of time to vegetate and let your brain relax once in a while.

I’m sitting comfortably on the sofa and take a long sip of my milkshake - suddenly I’m struck with toothache. Ouch…oh it wasn’t that bad so take another sip …Ouch shit! That hurt more! “One more time – it’s just in your head” I tell myself “I will bloody enjoy this drink – the effort that went into making it!” Blast! it really does sting!! Damn tooth! But I’m not wasting this Milkshake now…so spend the next 10 minutes in agony defiantly drinking my milkshake while convincing myself the pain is worth the taste. Who was I trying to kid now my tooth aches like hell and I forced my favourite milkshake down without really enjoying it!

After a couple of Alka-Seltzer I decide to retire to bed and read my book mumbling to myself on the way…bloody tooth, bloody work up to make that drink and didn’t even enjoy it, bloody no internet…mumble, mumble, mutter...

Good night

*This appeared before me for the first time in a restaurant called Denny’s next to the Cinema in Christchurch, New Zealand. I remember it like it was yesterday…shame it was actually 8 years ago!

For those of you that have never experienced one here’s my recipe:-

1 x Packets of Oreo biscuits or something similar
5 or 6 Large scoops of Ice-Cream (any flavour)
Milk (Your judgment)

And that’s it – blend it all together until it’s thick but drinkable, sit back and enjoy!


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