Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Oh Crumbs!

My oldest daughter Katie started Pre-School this year and so far absolutely loves it! She began in September and has already turned my bedroom wall into a montage of her work! They seem to be very constructive at Pre-School these days - I don’t remember anything like it when I was at school, but then I don’t remember much of my earlier years in school anyway!

One day when collecting the girls from Mandy’s (The childminder) I was taken aback by Katie running to me at top speed with her mouth going at the same rate – she almost forgot to breathe being that excited to tell me something! When she stopped talking and just stood there looking at me anxiously waiting for a reply - I had to quickly try and decipher the garbled message, which ended up something like:-

“Mummy we made biscuits, with the eyes and the mouth and the nose!”

Yeah? – I still wasn’t quite sure what had happened, but came to the conclusion it was good and I should congratulate her for the mysterious achievement.

A little while later we arrived home and unloaded the mass of items that go with three small children! When we are finally settled upstairs – I take a look in Kate’s rucksack, knowing that’s where the teacher leaves letters of upcoming events and more artwork! Although that day was a surprise and when I looked into the bag there was only a rounded piece of tinfoil. I remove it from the bag and carefully open it to reveal the biscuit! - With eyes and nose – Fantastic! So this is what all the excitement was over!

And here it is…


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