Sunday, October 15, 2006

The fourth R

Everyone knows the three R’s

Writing and

(This never made sense to me as a child because I always tried to think of things that started with the letter R!)

I now have a fourth…Ripping

The other day Katie proudly brought her first school reading book home only for the front and back cover to be ripped off by her younger sister (Becky). I was so angry and shocked that she would even consider it, as we have always taught our girls to respect books. After a good telling off I shut her in the bedroom to calm down and think about what she had done - that and the screaming was piercing my brain!

When I walked back into my room to see the carnage, Katie was sitting over it looking very disappointed and trying to line the pieces back together. I grabbed the sticky tape and made a reasonable attempt at fixing it. Now I have to write apologizing to the school teacher and most likely buy a replacement!

By the time I had finished Becky had finally calmed down and gone quiet in the next room. I carefully opened the door in case she had fallen asleep behind it, which has been done more than once! She is awake, sitting on the floor and would you believe what she is doing…carefully reading her collection of books - Unbelievable!!


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