Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Census Again!!

Sunday Night 9:30pm – Oh shit! Just remembered it is Census collection tomorrow and I haven’t completed my form! After a good 15 minutes of hunting I finally found it hidden under various other pieces of paper (Mental note – Do some filing soon!)

It didn’t take long to complete all but one of the questions, this being “What is the engine size of your vehicle?” – Where’s Dan when you need him! Only a man could answer that question without pausing to think about it (I’m not saying they are always right, but they know we don’t have a clue and if they sound convincing then it must be right!) I always wonder if it’s the Strawberry blonde that hinders me on these issues – The blonde side of me wants to say “I don’t know it’s just an Isuzu” but luckily the less blonde side gets the final say, most times, and decided I should look under the bonnet of the car for labels…sure enough there were labels, my new dilemma being they are all in Japanese!! Fortunately numbers are universal and after a while I spotted a 3049cc so assumed that was it.

Monday Morning – Still can’t shake this flu!! It has turned into an annoying cough now, making me sound like a 60 year old chain smoker! But I dragged my corpse into work and hoped it would ease off for tonight.

Monday Afternoon – Flu hasn’t gone completely and feel fairly groggy, but I’m tough I try and convince myself so head off for the same routine as before, collect girls, drop off at Nan’s and go to Census base. At base I am issued my yellow vest, an empty box and a Mars Bar (Bonus!) I had the same area to collect as I delivered so knew where I was heading and who to expect. I believe only two had forgotten to complete theirs, and to not be a hypercritic and say “Well you were told about Census night!” in the knowledge I had only just completed mine late last night, gave them an hour before I returned to pick them up.

Most people had left there’s in obvious places so I just had to walk up and collect them rather than ring door bells and break my knuckles knocking. One person kindly left their form in view on their front porch window sill, but they forgot to leave the door unlocked!! Another incident that sticks in my mind is someone’s porch was a horrible purple colour. I stood there thinking god that’s awful I would never paint my house that colour and then it hit me…damn my room is that colour! What a moron! At least it cheered me up, although I believe I actually giggled to myself while walking down the street to the next house – If anyone had heard and seen me they would have thought I just escaped from the lunatic asylum.

Finished up at 8:30 with only 5 forms missing in my area, my colleagues did well also and I believe the final figure was 97% return. Not bad – Have a Mars Bar to celebrate folks!

Now it’s up to the computer technician to work her magic or get a headache, eye strain and sore fingers – Good Luck Tech!


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