Sunday, September 10, 2006

Good Night Out?

I’ve come out from hibernation with a bang!

By going out last night on a “Girls night out” and getting completely legless! Not very responsible for a single* mum I know but, having not been out for some time, it was a well deserved break and a very enjoyable night…what I remember of it anyway!

I did note a few interesting discoveries:-

Eat before you go out
Don’t drink cider through a straw!
Cocktails come out the same colour they went in! (I’ll leave this to your imagination)
No headache?? Just a little groggy and tired

I hope I didn’t embarrass myself (Gasp...or others!) too much and that Anya will let me come out on the next girl’s night – mental note…skip the cocktails!

I think Chelsea (the cat) would agree. I found her in this state when I got up this morning - She looked worse than me!

*I mean single as being single-handedly looking after three kids while Dan is in the UK working not separated!


Anonymous said...

At least you have a nice woodden toilet seat to come home to!

Dan said...

Naughty girl marie - I am away earning money, and incidently not drinkning!! while you are leading the cat astray


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