Sunday, October 07, 2007

No Snail...No Mail!

Call me sad, but I enjoy receiving mail…yes even junk mail (although it does get a little tiresome when you get the same dull advertising leaflet for the 15th time!) Nothing gives me more pleasure in the mornings than to walk out, cup of tea in hand, and check the mail box attached to the garden gate.

The girls also enjoy this ritual and I almost have to race them to the gate some mornings (Not just for the mail arriving, but the incredibly cute mail guy delivering it!). For some reason the girls believe they are expecting parcels and ask me each day “mummy is it for us?” to which I used to reply “No sorry dears” but after seeing their little faces drop I have now taken to saying “Yes” and promptly handing them the newest lot of junk mail. Oddly enough they frown at this and it is soon discarded on the kitchen table or lounge floor – It used to be the thought that counts?

It’s been days now since we haven’t received any mail and to add insult to injury I am actually expecting stuff! Each morning I go out in anticipation only to be greeted by mass of cob webs and spiders in the box, which makes me realise just how long it’s been if the spiders are making a home of this once busy mail highway!

One morning though I finally heard the problem - The news headlines “Do not post any letters or parcels as there is a mail strike” And it’s going to be at least a week…Just great! Apparently the snails are protesting to Royal Mail because they don’t get paid enough and are possibly making demands of jet propelled skis and high speed scooters. I wonder if they would just be happy with extra slime and white racing stripes painted on their shells?

I noticed a lone snail on one of the fig tree leaves in the yard the other day…he’s still there now, striking away, not a letter in sight! The woodlice though seem rather busy – Royal mail should employ them as reserves while they sort out the snail problem or better still employ the dragonflies – Might be faster than my email at the moment, but that’s another story/nightmare…

Oh well nothing I can do but sit here and wait like the rest of the UK, although maybe I’ll go and grab the white paint and visit my leaf striking pest?


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