Monday, October 22, 2007

Hurricane Kate, Hurricane Becky and It’s a bit Breezy Sarah

Almost every bath time for the girls’ results in them firstly fighting to not have a bath or tripping over and pushing each other to get in the bath, fighting over the few toys they are allowed in the bath and finally fighting to not get out of the bath. I can only compare it to a small hurricane – the wind gradually builds up until it’s blowing at full force (getting in the bath and fighting over the toys) then there is that eerie stillness when all is calm as the eye of the storm passes over (each has a toy and are reasonably happy. Until it’s time to get out (The second and probably most destructive part of the storm – It seems quite logical and the only thing missing is me boarding up the windows and hiding in a cupboard (which I have contemplated at times!)

One night a sudden burst of inspiration came to me - what did I used to do when there were limited or no toys in the bath…an empty shampoo bottle! Sometimes the simplest items can make the best toys and it proved very popular – the only problem now was there is only ONE bottle! So although this great inspiration calmed the stormy waters for a while, as I showed them how to fill the bottle with water and squirt it back into the bath (or at each other), it soon turned into chaos as toys were quickly being lobbed at each other and grabs made for the bottle! (Sarah scored out of it though since she wasn’t interested in the bottle and ended up with all the toys). Eventually after some negotiating they took turns with the bottle and I am now using extra quantities of conditioner on my hair to try and get another bottle faster and avoid the next watery war. In fact I’m using that much conditioner my hair is so shiny and smooth I’m sure if a bird shat on my head one day it would just slip off like an egg of a spatula! (I’m now hoping that theory will not be tested by any birds!)


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