Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter Bonnet

At 9:30pm I crept out into the darkness of our yard. I pulled my hood over my head and open the front gate onto the street. Checking the coast was clear of cars or anyone on foot I hastily trotted across the road and hid behind one of the trees. I eyed my target…the neighbour’s flower bed. After another quick scan of the area, to confirm no one was around I took a deep breath and dashed over grabbed a small bunch of flowers, throw them under the cover of my coat and raced back to the yard, closing the gate behind me as I leaned against it.

I caught my breath and opened my coat to reveal my prize…a nice bunch of daffodils.

You see…I have to make an Easter Bonnet for Katie for tomorrow so figured I would sew these pretty yellow flowers onto my summer hat. And it looked great!

Unfortunately I neglected to remember that plants need water to survive and by morning the pretty yellow flowers were just a shrivelled mass on the hat. So even after my undercover mission and staying up until midnight to make the hat, Katie still went to school with nothing.

The next morning when I arrived back from college I learned Katie had borrowed a hat for the parade and Becky also required an Easter bonnet so had to rush one out in the morning with her school! I’m a bad mum and can only apologise to the girls and endeavour to try harder next time!


Anonymous said...

Oh you are not a bad mom, you just need to tell them you don't believe in Easter Bonnets! Or you can take them to the calendar and ask them if they see it written down anywhere that they needed these hats and when they say no, you are off the hook! Because every mother knows (especially SoccerMoms) if it is not written on the calendar it is not happening! And voila you are better then a good mom you are a great mom. :0)

Time Travelers Wife said...

That's a great idea...I DO have nothing on my calendar, but need to destroy the letters from school asking for bonnets on Thursday. Lol

Time Travelers Wife's Sister said...

Nice hat Pearl, not as good as the one you made for your easter bonnet competition though!!! I have the photo to prove?

Time Travelers Wife said...

Did I make that or did mum? Fairly sure I wouldn't have voluntarily stuck a massive stuffed rabbit on my head!

Anonymous said...

Oh ya those notes never come home, but the funny thing is ~ I never seem to run out of fire starter for the fireplace, hum wonder why that is?? ;0) hehehehe

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