Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Relaxing Weekend My Arse!

Last weekend I decided to take a break from going to the pubs. Although knew temptation would be too strong so banished myself to camp (a term used for all locations outside of Stanley) and relax at Horseshoe Bay Farm. This is the home of my Aunt and Uncle (Maggie & Peter Goss) who have lived there since 1980 and a place where I spent most of my childhood.

I loved the freedom as a child and would spend 90% of the day outside making horse dung and blackberry pies, stealing strawberries from the garden, helping out in the shed (being leaping in the wool and winding up the sheep) and general farming work. It’s great as a child to do these things…one big game and an even bigger adventure - like going to collect the eggs for instance. We would spend hours scouting around the Gorse bushes looking for nests, although it would be a fight when discovering a nest and it came to using the egg collecting spoon (this was a table spoon attached to a long piece of pipe) Anyone passing would think it was valuable the way we fought over it – of course it was always the biggest child that won, which wasn’t me…I’m 25 now and still waiting for my turn!

It takes 1 hour (travelling at the speed limit) to get to Horseshoe, but I would recommend taking company – not just for the conversation but there are at least 6 gates to go through. It’s unbelievably frustrating having to get out and open a gate, hop back in the car, only to find the gate to has blown closed again!

We arrived on Friday evening, settled into the main house and enjoyed a few beverages (1 cup of tea followed by the best part of a case of Strongbow), while catching up on lost time. This is the first time in nearly a year since I have been out at Horseshoe – I know…terribly slack on my behalf, but I intend on making it up to them somehow – which was to be sooner than I anticipated…

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Given the chance (That will come soon)I would not let your Arse relax either.

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