Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Baa Baa white sheep give us all your wool!!

First gather you flock into the shearing shed and gently persuade them into the smaller pens near the shearing floor. People think sheep are dumb, but they seem to know which way not to go!

Once in they are now easy pickings for the shearers, who pluck them out one at a time and remove their hard grown coats.

Once removed the fleece is collected by the Rousie, picked at by the table hand and rolled up. It is then carried to the wool press and squished into a bale.

Thus leaving the farmer happy and sheep...

naked and cold.

Oh and granchildren sit in back with wool debating what clothes Nan should knit from it.



Anonymous said...

hey those pics remind me of Oz (Australia). After all it is said that in times past Oz rode on the sheeps back meaning that it accounted for much of the Oz economy of the time. Now of course we are just a big hole in the ground from our mining. Love your blog - keep up the good work!

An Admirer

Anonymous said...

So you have an Admirer Marie.

Get in there girl while the little shits away.

Have some fun and plenty of sex

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