Monday, November 13, 2006

A Joke

I heard a good joke today and just had to share it with you…

A sales man went to a house, knocked on the door and after a few minutes a little boy answered.

“Hello” says the sales man “Is your mummy home?”

“Yes but she’s busy” the little boy whispers

“Ok…Is your daddy home?” continues the sales man

“Yes but he’s busy” whispers the little boy

“Do you have any brothers or sisters – are they home?” says the sales man

“Yes but they are all busy” whispers the little boy

“Is there anyone else in the house?” says the sales man

“Yes…A policeman, but he’s busy too” whispers the little boy

“This is ridiculous” says the sales man “How can everyone be busy – What are they doing?”

The little boy leans forward and whispers “Looking for me!”


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