Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Belly Buttons...Who needs them?

Apart from a foetus of course… but after birth do we really need to keep them? – Couldn’t they just seal over never to be seen again? Please!!

I have to admit I think this is a phobia of mine – Can’t look at them and nearly die when someone touches theirs or worse…mine! Will have to check to see if it is a real phobia or if I’m just overreacting! Guess it would be called something like Idontlikebellybuttonobia? Would like to know if anyone finds it.

How did you cope then…having three kids I hear you say? For those of you without the pleasure/displeasure (I still haven’t decided) of having had children I will explain:-

When you give birth – baby comes out, the mid wife (or your partner if he’s lucky! – slight hint of sarcasm) cuts the umbilical cord, sticks a clip on it and leaves it hanging there on baby, allowing it to rot itself away naturally – and this is the way it should be done and has always been done for years…apparently! Then after the ten or so days of rotting, when it finally falls off they ask if you would like to keep it – I MEAN COME ON!! Why would you want to keep it! It’s rotten meat after all!

Think about it for a minute - Would you even consider keeping a piece of stir fry meat on your belly, leave it to go rotten and then carefully place it in a plastic bag labelled “My first Stir Fry cord”, store it in your cupboard until you can smile with pride while showing it off to the neighbours when they come around! – No I thought not!

They are so horrible – The only thing they are good for is collecting fluff! And if you really want fluff just go and scrape the door of your tumble drier when it has finished a load – It’s much easier and not so disgusting!


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