Sunday, April 06, 2008

Freak Weather

Saturday was such a lovely day we decided to have lunch alfresco on the lawn. We soaked up the sun and thought about the lovely summer ahead of us.

Three stages of leaves growing back on the trees

So you can imagine our surprise to wake this morning to this...

We couldn't get our coats, boots, gloves and scarfs on fast enough to get out the door and play in the snow though!


Anonymous said...

that is too cute! It looks like they worked hard and should be proud of their snow-person

Dan said...

That weather is awesome! especially after the preceeding day looked so nice and warm.

Time Travelers Wife said...

Yeah we did well - I know who was the biggest kid out of us all though :-)

The girls stopped me playing the snow ball fight afterwards cause I was too rough apparently?

It was an awesome day for sure! Would you believe nearly all the snow has gone now though - It was definitely a freak storm. Only small pile of snow and pieces of potatoe and a carrot indicate where the snow-person was - lol!

Dan said...

I bet the 3 smallest ones were actually inside watching TV while the big one had all the snow to herself to avoid arguments and debate over key design decisions.

The shot is compiled using photoshop and trick camera angles to make it look like the kids were actually there.

Time Travelers Wife said...

Damn you got me! - The girls were only standing next to my masterpiece for effect :-)

My mission on the next freak snowfall - An igloo!

Dan said...

That would be interesting to create - might need more than a days snow though, and possibly a bit of polar icecap...

Unless you made the blocks in the freezer.

Time Travelers Wife said...

I tried to build a snow house in the Falklands before, with some help from Paul (Many years ago - think we were about 6/7?). We backed it against the fence to save building one wall, but the sun would always begin to melt our work before we finished and it ended up as protection for a snowball fight instead :-(

Do you think i should start filling up the ice cube trays in the freezer just incase we have another fresk storm? LOL

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