Friday, April 18, 2008

The Rake

This was sent to me by email (thanks Michelle) and I just had to share it with you since I am still wiping the tears of laughter away now!


Sunday, April 06, 2008

Freak Weather

Saturday was such a lovely day we decided to have lunch alfresco on the lawn. We soaked up the sun and thought about the lovely summer ahead of us.

Three stages of leaves growing back on the trees

So you can imagine our surprise to wake this morning to this...

We couldn't get our coats, boots, gloves and scarfs on fast enough to get out the door and play in the snow though!

Saturday, April 05, 2008


We are having a minor ant problem currently. I call it minor as I have only counted 50 ants as they go whizzing up the vacuum having been sucked from the floor during mid escape. I don’t mind a few ants and normally chuckle at the odd one scampering across the floor to retrieve a crumb the girls have dropped after their afternoon snack. But the cheeky little bugger has passed on information to his buddies that my house is a free for all on scraps so I now have to vacuum and mop the floor after each meal to discourage the little buggers!

Anyway getting back to the title I have began to notice an interesting occurrence. Whenever I see, think or talk about ants I can’t help but scratch my nose (I’m doing it right now in fact!) which lead me to think about other strange coincidences for instance: when people talk about nits you suddenly feel the urge to itch your head even though you don’t have nits (Yes…I’m doing that now too!) and how about earwigs? Do you feel the urge to itch you ears? (I am!)

It’s a strange phenomenon isn’t it? But it’s not just insects that get you itching What if I mentioned worms?

And now I’ve left you itching frantically I will go, but just have one last thing to say...

Don’t forget to wash you hands afterwards!

Spring holiday

Recharging the batteries – Another option is a wet finger into the plug socket, but that hurts!

The last few weeks have been hectic to say the least: Three days a week at college, with mountains of assignments and exams; three children with various demands, one of which wants to replace her nappies for knickers and the ants (that’s another story) are keeping me on my toes!

I have been particularly busy with college work, since we were required to hand in our Biology essays (of no more than 1000 words*) on “Keeping the circulatory, digestive and breathing systems healthy” (I managed to get 94% for this and admit I’m still in shock in between celebrating over a bottle of wine or two) and another Biology exam on “Control and Co-ordination” (I managed to scrape 71% which wasn’t bad either considering I revised most of the wrong material) The English in education module has also kept me busy with various QTS (qualified teacher status) tests on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar as well as a critical analysis exercise. And Psychology with the Traffic Light Project – it’s all good fun though!

Thankfully, we are on a two week holiday now so I will be able to relax and recharge the batteries. I have a couple of assignments to hand in after the holidays though, so will be aiming at completing these quickly, before Dan returns home from sea in two weeks and so the girls and I can take advantage of the fantastic weather we are having currently by going on a few excursions. And if all goes particularly well then you may even see a few more posts on the blog – no promises though – It’s hard to sit at the computer when the sun is beaming in through the window calling me outside to get a head start on a tan.

* It was surprisingly difficult to condense the essay as the tutor required an explanation on each system as well as how to keep it healthy.

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