Sunday, January 13, 2008

Don’t Blink!

It’s Monday and I’m pacing the floor, drinking countless cups of tea which in turn is causing countless visits to the toilet. I occasionally sit at the computer and try to complete my placement journal which is due in on Wednesday! But it is impossible to concentrate, as I have other concerns on my mind at the moment.

By 10am I’ve put gloves on to stop me biting my nails, and pinned down the curtain net to discourage from pressing my nose up against the window for the fifth time in an hour. I have even moved the mobile phone into the kitchen so that I will stop holding it in my hand willing it to ring - I’m a nervous excited wreck!

So what’s the problem? Well I received an email last night from a stranger I haven’t seen in two months…you guessed it - Dan. He’s off the ship and winging his way back to the UK, this is fine, but when he gets to the UK will he be allowed through customs? His last entry was stamped with “Last time buddy!” and a mean frown from the customs officer, so he scrapped through by the skin of his teeth and I fear he will not be so lucky this time, and may end up in jail before flying out to New Zealand on Friday.

By 10:30 I’ve given up doing anything but sitting with Sarah on the sofa, starring at the television, without actually taking in what’s on, as my brain has switched off visual and is churning around in my thoughts now. Sarah is enjoying the cuddle though and has no idea I’m using her as a counterweight to stop me leaping up every time a car pulls up near our house, which is a few today as builders are erecting a house next door and moving around every few minutes!

Just then a silver car pulls up right outside the window and I can’t help but stretch my neck, although I don’t recognise the driver so slump back into the chair. Two minutes later a figure passes the lounge window and a knock on the door – Could it be? I remove Sarah from my lap, get up and head to the door at a skip. I open the door in haste and sure enough it’s Dan and he’s not being escorted by a police officer…bonus!

But it doesn’t last long and the 3 days we have fly past. Before we know, it’s Friday and Dan is on his way again – The house is quiet and the only evidence I have that he was even here is all his dirty washing!!!

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