Sunday, January 13, 2008

Are you living in the Stone Ages?

It would appear I’m living in a box as I am the only person to not know what ‘Facebook’ is? Nearly every one I spoke to over the festive season asked if I had it and promptly sent me the web link.

So of course curiosity got the better of me and I soon found myself registering in and scanning this new feature. Within minutes of entering I was contacted by some old school mates, who soon got me looking for even older mates and lo and behold there they were – totally incredible like a school reunion of sorts.

Although with old school mates comes old school photos and I soon discovered a highly embarrassing photograph of my class when I was 9 or 10. Thankfully I have married since so hopefully anyone after my school days will not relate me to this bizarre looking child of 1990! It did make for a good laugh though and I must admit to tears rolling down my cheeks and a pain in my side from laughing so hard.

What a funny looking bunch

It’s not just old school mates though; a lot of newer mates, from former work places and even random circumstances have been found and added to the growing list of friends. Sooner or later you begin finding or being invited to take tests on very random subjects – I have so far been labelled the ‘drunk drunk’ in “What kind of drunk are you?” and ‘Bumblebee man’ in “Which obscure Simpsons character are you?”

It’s all quite amusing for a Facebook virgin like myself, but be careful it can also absorb all of your free time, as you find the hours ticking away then realise you haven’t done anything constructive!

So here I am taking a break from facebook writing my blog – Really constructive? Go me!


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