Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fountain of Yuck

A quiet evening, (more so now with Dan not home - not saying he’s noisy or anything), the girls are in bed and I’m skyping a cute sailor aboard the James Cook. As he heads off to get some sleep before going on watch I hear some movement upstairs…great! Who’s out of bed this time?

It was Katie and she was complaining about feeling ill, after some comfort she decided she would be ok, so I escorted her back to bed and returned downstairs to shut down everything. A few minutes later I hear movement upstairs again and then that awful sound…splat! A watery splat! By the time I get to the stairs Katie is there looking down, projectile vomiting. (If it wasn’t so disgusting I would have congratulated her for getting the distance she did).

Judging the pauses between vomiting I darted upstairs and quickly guided her to the toilet. After cleaning her up I asked if she wanted to stay in my room tonight – As she is a sensitive soul and would probably prefer to have mum around when she’s being sick, plus I could get her to the toilet quickly! This was however a big mistake and after cleaning the stairs and finishing downstairs, Kate was back out of bed and giving the carpet another good covering!

As I cleaned her up for the second time she asked to go back to her bed, so I tucked her up and placed a bowl next to the bed. As I came back to clean the stairs I noticed why Katie was so keen to get back in her bed…she hadn’t just covered the carpet on the stairs with her peas, carrots and what looks like tuna, she had covered my bed too! Where does it all come from? Her stomach must be like a tardis…larger on in inside!

She finally went to sleep and I slept in a half made bed (Since I only changed the sheets two days ago and hadn’t washed and dried them yet!) that smells of sick…lovely!

Guess I’m going to miss school tomorrow too…sigh!


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