Anyway getting back to the title I have began to notice an interesting occurrence. Whenever I see, think or talk about ants I can’t help but scratch my nose (I’m doing it right now in fact!) which lead me to think about other strange coincidences for instance: when people talk about nits you suddenly feel the urge to itch your head even though you don’t have nits (Yes…I’m doing that now too!) and how about earwigs? Do you feel the urge to itch you ears? (I am!)
It’s a strange phenomenon isn’t it? But it’s not just insects that get you itching What if I mentioned worms?
And now I’ve left you itching frantically I will go, but just have one last thing to say...
Don’t forget to wash you hands afterwards!
Your posting really bugged me...hahahahaha
lol - very clever :-)
I'm still itching thinking about them.
And I need to write another blog now to get rid of the ant picture that flashes up every time I go to my site too!
You should try eating at the table instead of off the floor - plates are a lot easier to clean ;-)
Or we could borrow a dog after every meal to lick up the scraps?
But the amount I clean that floor it should be clean enough to eat your meals off!
Also don't be fooled that a table is going to get in the way of an ant and his target crumb.
They laugh in the face of gravity...
They do! Buggers Practially skip up a vertical table leg!
hi every person,
I identified after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.
I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=].[/url][url=].[/url][url=].[/url]
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